Surf Air Earth Day 2022

Earth Day has always been a moment to celebrate our home and focus our collective attention on averting an alarming future. Today, more than ever, as ever developing new climate …

Why Regional Air is Set for Takeoff

A national flight network of electrified, short-haul, on-demand aircraft, with takeoffs and landings happening within a short drive of a majority of Americans, isn’t just a futuristic possibility. In-depth analyses …

Back to the Land

Sustainable eco-tourism is regenerative and restorative to the planet, not just your state of mind The pristine nature that often attracts us to our favorite vacation spots also beckons us …

Sustainability Notebook

From a car-to-cycle trade-in scheme to solar-powered pavement, news from the frontiers of climate action An era of climate awareness, battery technology, and renewable power means that the ways we …